Raphael Geissert
2017-10-06 05:44:20 UTC
CVE-2017-12149: TODO: check, maybe in jbossas4
CVE-2017-12175: RESERVED
CVE-2017-14868: RESERVED
CVE-2017-15038: RESERVED
CVE-2017-15041: missing from list
CVE-2017-15042: missing from list
The output might be a bit terse, but the above ids are known elsewhere,
check the references in the tracker. The second part indicates the status
of that id in the tracker at the moment the script was run.
CVE-2017-12175: RESERVED
CVE-2017-14868: RESERVED
CVE-2017-15038: RESERVED
CVE-2017-15041: missing from list
CVE-2017-15042: missing from list
The output might be a bit terse, but the above ids are known elsewhere,
check the references in the tracker. The second part indicates the status
of that id in the tracker at the moment the script was run.